Do you ever feel like education has similarities to a hampster wheel? It keeps spinning and different hamsters get on and off but the wheel goes nowhere other than to start and stop. Maureen Downey of the AJC published the letter of retired Georgia Department of Education Director Dr. Stan Bernknopf and he said that his 20 year tenure at the GDoE taught him that politics has kept real reform from happening in schools. Do you agree? Here's his take.
Fixing our schools: "We know what needs to be done." We are unwilling to do it.

highlight of my job is opening my email to thoughtful notes like this
one from Dr. Stan Bernknopf, who was director of the Division on
Research, Evaluation and Assessment for the state Department of
With his permission, I am sharing his letter:
By Dr. Stan Bernknopf
20 years, from 1975 to 1995, I worked for the Georgia Department of
Education. When I retired, I was the Director of the Division of
Assessment, Evaluation and Research.
During my tenure with the
department, I had the opportunity to work for three state school
superintendents, three Georgia governors, various members of the
Legislature, and several state boards of education. While the major part
of my 20-year DOE tenure can be described as exciting, rewarding and
professionally fulfilling, the job also had its frustrations,
disappointments and, in too many cases, it highlighted the naivetés
and/ or ingenuousness of our educational leaders, both elected and
As an ‘X’ educator, I’m drawn to the current news
pertaining to Georgia education. I especially enjoy your articles which
seem to be insightful and represent well-reasoned positions.
it seems that I can’t read your articles and the general educational
news without once again experiencing those feelings frustration and
disappointments. We seem to consistently make the same mistakes we have
made in the past by consistently ignoring the past.
We present
initiatives (both state and federal) as if they represent something new
when, in fact, they are simply a revised program that already has a
history in Georgia.
This letter is my cathartic exercise to relieve my frustration.
each new administration at DOE, I witnessed the creation of some sort
of “educational review” committee tasked with the job of developing a
road map for education in terms of funding, administration and
Each of these efforts usually produced a new program
with a new approach to meeting old objectives and goals. The Georgia
Basic Skills Program (GBSP), The Georgia Adequate Program for Education
(APEG), and The Georgia Minimal Competency Program are a few that come
to mind.
None of these efforts produced groundbreaking findings
and they certainly didn’t produce information that wasn’t already
known. At best, these efforts were a way to address political promises
made during campaigns; at worst, they simply postponed dealing with the
real issues facing education.
The professional educational
community knows what problems and issues face Georgia education. More
importantly, they know what needs to be done to really move Georgia
education to the point where all citizens can be proud and, more
importantly, our students will be adequately prepared to participate in
the global community.
Why then do we insist on re-creating the
wheel with each new administration, asking the same questions only to
get the same answers and pretending that we are really addressing the
issues with new and unique approaches? A comprehensive answer is far
from simple and would take more space than is available in this letter.
A short answer would go something like this
To read the rest of the commentary and Downey's work, please go to the AJC at:

Downey is a longtime reporter for the AJC where she has written
editorials and opinion pieces about local, state and federal education
policy for 12 years.
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